VOA の2分ニュース(21年11月29日)

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VOAリスニング:news 211129_08pm ― CDC、オミクロン株にそなえたワクチンの追加接種を推奨する | ナラボー・プレス
今回取りあげるVOA Newsに掲載された記事は、アメリカのCDCはオミクロン株の流行を注視し、ワクチンの追加接種を推奨しているというニュースについて扱っています。 | ナラボー・プレス


This is VOA News. Via remote, I’m Liz Palka.

Via remote「リモート放送で」

The world continues to respond to the new coronavirus variant known as Omicron as cases continue to pop up.

the new coronavirus variant known as Omicron as cases continue to pop up
 as ~ as の形になっていますが、これは「~と同じように」という、いわゆる「as … as構文ではありません。1つめの as は「~として」という意味の前置詞です。2つ目の as は「~しているので」という意味の接続詞。
 pop up は「出現する、飛び出る」。

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention broadened its recommendation for COVID-19 booster shots for all adults as the new Omicron variant is identified in more countries.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

broadened its recommendation for COVID-19 booster shots
 broadened は broaden の過去形。broaden は broad(広い)の動詞形。
 booster は「追加免疫」という医学用語です。

as the new Omicron variant is identified in more countries
 identified は「検出される」という意味の過去分詞。
 in more counties は、国が増えてきていることを表現しています。

The agency had previously approved boosters for all adults, but only recommended them for those 50 years and older or if they live in a long-term care setting.

The agency had previously approved boosters for all adults
 had previously approved のように過去完了形になっていることに注目しましょう。
 boosters は「ブースター接種」で、shots が省略されています。

only recommended them for those 50 years and older
 those 50 year and older は those who are 50 years and older の who are が省略された形だと考えると理解しやすいでしょう。

if they live in a long-term care setting
 care setting は「医療環境」ということです。

CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the new guidance reflects the emergence of the Omicron variant, which has not yet been identified in the US, but that officials say will inevitably reach the country.

the new guidance reflects the emergence of the Omicron variant
 emergence は「出現」。emergency(緊急事態)とつづりが似ているので、注意。emerge(出てくる)の名詞形です。

which has not yet been identified in the US
 which は関係代名詞。

will inevitably reach the country
 inevitably は、「必然的に、不可避で」という意味の副詞。

President Joe Biden is urging Americans to get vaccinated, in order to quell concerns over the newly identified coronavirus variant.

is urging Americans to get vaccinated
 urge は「要請する、強く頼む」。

in order to quell concerns over the newly identified coronavirus variant
 quell は「抑える、鎮める、鎮圧する」。
 concerns over は「~についての懸念、心配」。

AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani reports.

The President says the Omicron variant will inevitably reach the US, which will fight it the same way it fought other variants.

which will fight it the same way it fought other variants

He’s urging a return to indoor mask wearing in public and something he says people are probably tired of hearing.

something he says people are probably tired of hearing
 he says は挿入句。

You have to get your vaccine. You have to get the shot.

With roughly 80 million unvaccinated Americans ages 5 and up, hours later the CDC broadened its recommendation for COVID-19 booster shots.

With roughly 80 million unvaccinated Americans ages 5 and up
 with は付帯状況を表す前置詞。
 unvaccinated は「ワクチン未接種の」という意味の形容詞。

hours later the CDC broadened its recommendation for COVID-19 booster shots
 ふつう、hundred や million が複数形になると「何百もの、何百万もの」というように非常に多いことを表しますが、hours later は逆に「何時間もしないうちに」という意味合いです。

Weeks after approving them for all adults, it now says they should get the extra protection. Sagar Meghani, Washington.

they should get the extra protection
 この extra protection は、ブースター接種の推奨のことを指しています。

The World Health Organization says the global risk from the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is very high based on early evidence. The WHO (is) saying, “It could lead to surges with severe consequences.”

the global risk from the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is very high

The WHO (is) saying
 音声では is が抜けています。

It could lead to surges with severe consequences.
 could は仮定法で使われています。
 surge は「急上昇、急拡大」。

You can follow the latest coverage of this new coronavirus variant on voanews.com. This is VOA news.

the latest coverage of this new coronavirus variant
 coverage は「報道、情報」。

This is VOA news.



