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Study: Collapse of Ocean Currents Could Cause Major Climate Problems

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Study: Collapse of Ocean Currents Could Cause Major Climate Problems




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Scientists are warning of the possible collapse of an Atlantic Ocean current system that would likely lead to worldwide climate changes.

Researchers identify the ocean system as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). They say the system plays an important part in moving, or circulating, salt and warm water around the world. This process helps control world temperatures, affects carbon dioxide levels and supports worldwide water flows.

The AMOC system brings warm water to northern areas and carries cold water south, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains. The circulation also transports nutrients necessary to support many kinds of sea life.

The process begins as warm and salty surface water flows northward toward Greenland in the Atlantic.

Scientists created “a complex climate model” in an effort to simulate a possible collapse of the AMOC. The computer model was “able to measure a sudden weakening of the ocean circulation,” the team said in a statement.

The research was led by scientists from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. A study describing their findings recently appeared in the publication Science Advances.

For thousands of years, Earth’s oceans have depended on the AMOC circulation system – which acts like a conveyor belt - to control climate. The system is still operating, but has experienced slowdowns in recent years.

The driver of the conveyor belt sits off the coast of Greenland. As more ice melts here from climate change, more freshwater flows into the North Atlantic and slows the circulation, said Rene van Westen. He is a climate scientist and oceanographer at Utrecht University.

Van Westen told The Associated Press his research on a possible AMOC collapse does suggest “we are heading towards a tipping point.” He added, however, that while his team found clear evidence the system is moving closer to collapse, “we’re not sure how much closer.”

In the current system, cold, deeper and fresher water heads south past both Americas and then east past Africa. The system also pushes saltier, warmer ocean water from the Pacific and Indian oceans past the southern tip of Africa. This water flows to and around Florida before continuing up the U.S. East Coast towards Greenland.

The Dutch team simulated 2,200 years of AMOC flow. The researchers added to the model expectations for future human-caused climate change. The results predicted “an abrupt AMOC collapse,” after 1,750 years.

But the researchers noted it is difficult to provide a realistic date because the process could be influenced by many unknown circulation events. Making a prediction is also difficult because “current observational records are too short” to provide an exact estimation of collapse, the scientists said. The team said more physics-based measuring tools are necessary to create early warning systems.

The team noted one difficult area to predict is around the tip of Africa, where it is difficult to produce realistic estimates of circulation flows. Measurements around that area have a big effect on how much the AMOC slows, the researchers said.

“This value is getting more negative under climate change,” van Westen said. He added that when the AMOC reaches a certain level, the change does not happen over time, but would be more “cliff-like,” he added.

Van Westen said an AMOC collapse would mostly affect climate in Europe.

The researchers say a collapse could reduce temperatures in northwestern Europe by 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. Their study predicts the change would also extend Arctic ice much farther south, raise temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere and change worldwide rainfall. Some scientists warned the climate effects could cause worldwide food and water shortages.

In addition, the team said the simulation predicted a possible 100 centimeter rise in European sea levels if the AMOC collapsed.

Van Westen warned that once the collapse happens, the resulting climate effects are nearly impossible to change. Another member of the team, Henk Dijkstra, said staying clear of such a tipping point is necessary to avoid the “devastating consequences on climate, society, and the environment.”

I’m Bryan Lynn.

Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English, based on reports from The Associated Press, Utrecht University and Science Advances.

Words in This Story

Words in This Story

simulate – v. to do or make something that behaves or looks like something real but is not

conveyor belt – n. a continuously moving piece of equipment used to transport objects from one place to another

tipping point – n. the time at which a change or effect cannot be stopped

abrupt – adj. sudden and unexpected

negative – adj. harmful or bad

cliff – n. a high area of rock with a very steep side, often along a coast

devastating – adj. causing a lot of damage or destruction

consequence – n. a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad




Study: Collapse of Ocean Currents Could Cause Major Climate Problems

Scientists are warning of the possible collapse of an Atlantic Ocean current system that would likely lead to worldwide climate changes.

Researchers identify the ocean system as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). They say the system plays an important part in moving, or circulating, salt and warm water around the world. This process helps control world temperatures, affects carbon dioxide levels and supports worldwide water flows.

The AMOC system brings warm water to northern areas and carries cold water south, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains. The circulation also transports nutrients necessary to support many kinds of sea life.

The process begins as warm and salty surface water flows northward toward Greenland in the Atlantic.

Scientists created “a complex climate model” in an effort to simulate a possible collapse of the AMOC. The computer model was “able to measure a sudden weakening of the ocean circulation,” the team said in a statement.

The research was led by scientists from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. A study describing their findings recently appeared in the publication Science Advances.
研究を率いたのはオランダのユトレヒト大学の科学者たちです。この研究結果は、Science Advances誌に掲載されたばかりです。

For thousands of years, Earth’s oceans have depended on the AMOC circulation system – which acts like a conveyor belt - to control climate. The system is still operating, but has experienced slowdowns in recent years.

The driver of the conveyor belt sits off the coast of Greenland. As more ice melts here from climate change, more freshwater flows into the North Atlantic and slows the circulation, said Rene van Westen. He is a climate scientist and oceanographer at Utrecht University.

Van Westen told The Associated Press his research on a possible AMOC collapse does suggest “we are heading towards a tipping point.” He added, however, that while his team found clear evidence the system is moving closer to collapse, “we’re not sure how much closer.”

In the current system, cold, deeper and fresher water heads south past both Americas and then east past Africa. The system also pushes saltier, warmer ocean water from the Pacific and Indian oceans past the southern tip of Africa. This water flows to and around Florida before continuing up the U.S. East Coast towards Greenland.

The Dutch team simulated 2,200 years of AMOC flow. The researchers added to the model expectations for future human-caused climate change. The results predicted “an abrupt AMOC collapse,” after 1,750 years.

But the researchers noted it is difficult to provide a realistic date because the process could be influenced by many unknown circulation events. Making a prediction is also difficult because “current observational records are too short” to provide an exact estimation of collapse, the scientists said. The team said more physics-based measuring tools are necessary to create early warning systems.

The team noted one difficult area to predict is around the tip of Africa, where it is difficult to produce realistic estimates of circulation flows. Measurements around that area have a big effect on how much the AMOC slows, the researchers said.

“This value is getting more negative under climate change,” van Westen said. He added that when the AMOC reaches a certain level, the change does not happen over time, but would be more “cliff-like,” he added.

Van Westen said an AMOC collapse would mostly affect climate in Europe.

The researchers say a collapse could reduce temperatures in northwestern Europe by 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. Their study predicts the change would also extend Arctic ice much farther south, raise temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere and change worldwide rainfall. Some scientists warned the climate effects could cause worldwide food and water shortages.

In addition, the team said the simulation predicted a possible 100 centimeter rise in European sea levels if the AMOC collapsed.

Van Westen warned that once the collapse happens, the resulting climate effects are nearly impossible to change. Another member of the team, Henk Dijkstra, said staying clear of such a tipping point is necessary to avoid the “devastating consequences on climate, society, and the environment.”

I’m Bryan Lynn.

Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English, based on reports from The Associated Press, Utrecht University and Science Advances.
ブライアン・リンは、AP通信、ユトレヒト大学、Science Advancesの報道をもとに、VOA Learning Englishのためにこの記事を書きました。

Women are much more likely to get autoimmune diseases than men. New research may finally explain why.

Autoimmune diseases happen when the body’s natural defenses, or immune system, attack the body’s tissues.

Researchers from Stanford University in California say the reason for this may be connected to how the body deals with females’ second X chromosome.

The finding could help improve doctors’ abilities to detect autoimmune diseases.

E. John Wherry is an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania. He said the new study changes “the way we think about this whole process of autoimmunity.”
E. ジョン・ウォリーはペンシルバニア大学の免疫学者です。彼は、この新しい研究は、自己免疫のプロセス全体についての考え方を変えるものですと言います。

Between 24 million and 50 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and many other diseases.

About four of every five patients with an autoimmune disorder are women. Scientists have tried to find out why for many years.

One theory is that the X chromosome might be the reason. Females have two X chromosomes while males have one X and one Y.

The new research recently appeared in the publication Cell. The results show that the extra X is involved — but in an unexpected way.

Our DNA is carried inside each cell in 23 pairs of chromosomes, including the final pair that decides biological sex. The X chromosome is packed with hundreds of genes, far more than males’ much smaller Y chromosome.

Every female cell must turn off one of its X chromosome copies to avoid getting a dangerous double amount of all those genes. Scientists call this process X-chromosome inactivation.

A special kind of RNA, called Xist, performs the X-chromosome inactivation. Xist is a long chain of RNA. It gathers in areas along a cell’s extra X chromosome and attracts proteins that connect to it in unusual masses. Then it silences the chromosome.

Dr. Howard Chang is a dermatologist at Stanford University. He was exploring how Xist does its job when his lab found nearly 100 of those attached proteins. Chang saw that many of those proteins were related to skin-related autoimmune disorders. Patients can have “autoantibodies” that mistakenly attack these normal proteins.

Chang told The Associated Press, “That got us thinking: These are the known ones. What about the other proteins in Xist?”

He added that the molecule, found only in women, might “somehow organize proteins in such a way as to activate the immune system.”

If true, Xist by itself could not cause autoimmune disease. If it did, all women would be affected. Scientists have long thought it takes a combination of some genes and an environmental event, like an infection or injury, for the immune system to cause problems. For example, the Epstein-Barr virus is linked to multiple sclerosis.

Chang receives financial support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which also supports The Associated Press’ Health and Science Department.

Chang’s team decided to produce male lab mice to artificially make Xist — without turning off their only X chromosome — and see what happened. Researchers also specially bred mice susceptible to developing a lupus-like condition. The condition can be set off by a certain chemical.

The Xist formed its usual protein masses. When the chemical was used, the male mice with Xist developed lupus-like autoimmunity at levels similar to females, the team found.

Chang said, “We think that’s really important, for Xist RNA to leak out of the cell to where the immune system gets to see it.”

But he added that an environmental event is still needed to start the process.

Beyond mice, researchers also looked at blood from 100 patients. They found autoantibodies targeting Xist-related proteins that scientists had not previously linked to autoimmune disorders. Chang said one possible reason was that most tests for autoimmunity were made using male cells.

More research is necessary. But Wherry, the immunologist at Penn, said the findings might give doctors a shorter path to diagnosing patients.

Wherry said one patient may have autoantibodies to Protein A and another patient may have autoantibodies to Proteins C and D. But he said knowing they are all related to Xist RNA can help doctors find diseases more easily.

I’m Gena Bennett. And I’m Gregory Stachel.

Lauran Neergaard reported this story for The Associated Press. Gregory Stachel adapted it for VOA Learning English.
ローラン・ネアガードがAP通信のためにこの記事を書きました。グレゴリー・スタチェルがVOA Learning Englishのために脚色しました。

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