VOA の2分ニュース(22年4月4日)

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VOAリスニング:news 220404_09pm ― バイデン大統領、プーチン大統領を強く非難 | ナラボー・プレス
今回取りあげるVOA Newsに掲載された記事は、バイデン大統領がブチャで起こった残虐な行為に対し、プーチン大統領を強く非難したというニュースについて扱っています。 | ナラボー・プレス


This is VOA News reporting by remote.  I’m Joe Ramsey.

reporting by remote
 前の VOA News を後ろから修飾しています。

US President Joe Biden is again calling Russia’s Vladimir Putin a war criminal, who should stand trial.

calling Russia’s Vladimir Putin a war criminal
 call A + B(AをBと呼ぶ)という構文になっています。第5文型です。
 criminal は「犯罪者、犯人」。「犯罪となる」という意味の形容詞の働きもあります。

who should stand trial
 who は非制限的用法の関係代名詞です。

AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani reports.

AP Washington correspondent
 correspondent は「特派員、通信記者、赴任者」。

Ukrainian officials say hundreds of civilian bodies have been found in Kyiv suburbs once held by Russian troops, including Bucha.

hundreds of civilian bodies have been found
 hundreds of …は「何百という…」です。「数百」ではありません。
 body は,通常「死体」を表します。

in Kyiv suburbs once held by Russian troops
 once held by は後ろから Kyiv suburbs を修飾しています。

What’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone has seen it.

What’s happening in Bucha is outrageous
 what は関係代名詞。
 outrageous は「言語道断の、凄惨な、異常な」。

and everyone has seen it
 バイデン大統領の声によると、everyone seen it のように聞こえますが、正しくは everyone has seen it か everyone sees it であるべきです。

Though Russia is denying the allegations of atrocities, the President calls Putin brutal.

denying the allegations of atrocities
 allegation は「申し立て」、atrocity は「残虐行為」。

the President calls Putin brutal

We have to gather all the detail(s), so this could be an actual … have a war-crime trial.

We have to gather all the detail(s)
 バイデン大統領の声によると、details が単数形に聞こえますが、ここでは複数形でなければなりません。

this could be an actual … have a war-crime trial
 いろいろと言いよどんでいますが、this could be an actual war-crime trial が正確な文でしょう。

And, says he will seek more sanctions against Moscow.

seek more sanctions against Moscow
 Moscow は「モスクワ」ですが、「ロシア」のことです。

Sagar Meghani at the White House.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also said Monday Biden will consult allies to ensure Russia and President Putin pay the price for war crimes being committed.

US National Security Advisor

consult allies to ensure Russia and President Putin pay the price for
 ensure ~は「~を確かにする」。ensure のあとに that が省略されていると考えましょう。that 以降の主語が Russia and President Putin で、pay は動詞です。

war crimes being committed
 being committed が、後ろからwar crimes を修飾しています。
 「犯罪を犯す」というときの動詞には commit が使われます。

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Sullivan said he had yet to see evidence that Russian atrocity had risen to the level of genocide.

Speaking to reporters at the White House

he had yet to see evidence that Russian atrocity had risen to the level of genocide
 had yet to は had to に yet が挿入された形です。had to という過去形になっているのは時制の一致です。
 had risen to も時制の一致で過去完了形になっています。

We have seen atrocities.  We have seen war crimes.  We have not yet seen a level of systematic deprivation of life of Ukrainian people to rise to the level of genocide.

We have seen atrocities.

a level of systematic deprivation of life of Ukrainian people to rise to the level of genocide
 deprivation は「剥奪、奪うこと」。

Asked whether the killings in Bucha could be on Putin’s orders or by Russian forces acting alone, Sullivan said that, even before the invasion, Washington had warned Russia was intending as [quote] “a matter of policy in this war to kill dissidents and to impose a reign of terror across occupied territories in Ukraine.”

Asked whether the killings in Bucha could be on Putin’s orders or by Russian forces acting alone
 分詞構文です。Asked は Being asked の Being が省略された形です。
 on one’s order は「~の命令で」。

Washington had warned Russia was intending as
 in tend as は「~を意図する」。


a matter of policy in this war to kill dissidents
 dissident は「反対派、反対意見の人、反体制の人」。

to impose a reign of terror
 impose は「さらす、陥れる、強いる」など。
 reign of terror は「恐怖状態」。

across occupied territories in Ukraine
 occupied territory は「占領地」。

That is what we are seeing play out, so no, we do not believe that this is just a random accident or the rogue act of a particular individual.  We believe that this was part of the plan.

That is what we are seeing play out
 This is what …は「これは…しているもの」。
 seeing play out のように動詞が並んでいるのは see が知覚動詞だからです。see … play out は「…が展開しているのを見る」という意味です。… の部分に what という関係代名詞が入ることになります。

this is just a random accident
 random accident は「偶然の事故」。

the rogue act of a particular individual

this was part of the plan

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