ニュースソースはVOA (Voice of America)のNewscastsの2-minute newsより音声をダウンロードし、それをナラボー・プレスが英文書き起こしをしたものです。
This is VOA News. Via remote, I’m Marissa Melton.
Via remote
via は「~によって、~を経由して」という意味で、以前、航空便には Via Air Mail と書かれていたものです。
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared victory Monday in Ukraine’s eastern Luhansk province as Ukrainian troops retreated from their last stronghold in the city of Lysychansk.
as Ukrainian troops retreated from their last stronghold
ここでの as は「~なので」という順接の接続詞。
retreat from は「~から撤退する、引き下がる」。
stronghold は「砦、要塞、軍の本拠地」。
Ukraine’s Luhansk governor, Serhiy Haidai, told the AP on Monday that Ukrainian forces had retreated from Lysychansk to avoid being surrounded.
to avoid being surrounded
VOA contributor Anna Chernakova is in Kyiv. She told our daily program Flashpoint Ukraine that this retreat from Lysychansk has been expected for some time.
VOA contributor Anna Chernakova
contribute は「寄稿する、貢献する」という意味の動詞。
our daily program Flashpoint Ukraine
this retreat from Lysychansk has been expected for some time
ここでの expect は「期待する」ではなく「予定する、計画する」。
for some time は「しばらくのあいだ」。
“So, what we know for the moment, as you know, this final confirmed information that Lysychansk … Ukraine’s forces withdrawal from Lysychansk was kind of, yeah, [a] prepared step, and it was preparing for a couple of weeks now. Uh, we know that the reason, at least according to the authorities, that there is a plan to come back, but again, Ukrainians are waiting for the weapons now.”
this final confirmed information that …
that は「…という~」という意味を表す同格の接続詞です。前に information などの名詞が来ると使われることが多いようです。
kind of, yeah, [a] prepared step
音声では prepared の前に冠詞の a がありませんが、文法上必要です。
it was preparing for a couple of weeks now
話し言葉なので、文法的に厳密に正確にならないことも多いものです。この it は、おそらく Ukraine’s forcers withdrawal(ウクライナ軍の撤退)でしょう。だとすると、it was preparing ではなく it was prepared のように受動態になるできところです。
Ukrainians are waiting for the weapons now
Ukraine said Russian forces are now trying to advance on Seversk, Fedorivka, and Bakhmut in the Donetsk region.
are now trying to advance on
advance on …は「…に向かって前進する」。
The Ukrainian general staff said the Russian forces are also shelling the key Ukrainian strongholds of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, deeper in Donetsk.
are also shelling the key Ukrainian strongholds
shell は「砲撃する」。
the key … strongholds は「キーとなる…の要塞(砦)」。
International politicians led by the European Union gathered in Switzerland Monday for the Ukraine recovery conference and pledged to do what they can to help Ukraine rebuild, following its war with Russia.
International politicians led by the European Union gathered in
led by は後置修飾の過去分詞。led は lead の過去分詞。
the Ukraine recovery conference
pledged to do what they can to help Ukraine rebuild
pledge は「誓約する、保証する」。
what は関係代名詞。
to help 以降は副詞的用法の不定詞。
help は<help+目的語+原形不定詞>の形で「~が…するのを助ける」という意味を表す。
Attendees of the conference in the lakeside town of Lugano included European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and British Foreign Minister Liz Truss.
Attendees of the conference
attendee は「出席者」。attend(出席する)に「人」を表す接尾辞の –ee が付いている。
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy spoke to the group via video message about the needs of the country that now faces widespread devastation.
spoke to the group via video message about
via はこのニュースの冒頭も出てきました。
about は speak about ~(~について話す)に、to the group via video message が挿入された形です。
the group は会議の出席者たちのことです。
From Washington, you’re listening to VOA news.