VOA の2分ニュース(22年2月28日)

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This is VOA News. Via remote, I’m Liz Palka.

Via remote「リモート放送で」

The Russian military assault on Ukraine went into its fifth day on Monday. Ukraine’s ambassador to the US was on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. with House and Senate lawmakers.

The Russian military assault on Ukraine
 assault on …は「…への攻撃」。

went into its fifth day on Monday

Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
 Capitol Hill はもともと「連邦議会議事堂がある丘」という意味でしたが、「連邦議会議事堂」そのものを指しても言います。

House and Senate lawmakers
 House は House of Representative のことで「下院」、Senate は「上院」です。そして、lawmaker は「連邦議会議員」のことです。

Speaking to reporters in between the two meetings, Oksana Markarova said Monday was especially difficult in her country’s war with Russia.

Speaking to reporters in between the two meetings
 分詞構文です。主語は Oksana Markarova です。

Oksana Markarova said Monday was especially difficult in her country’s war with Russia
 突然、Oksana Markarova という人の名前が出てきて面食らってしまいそうですが、冒頭に出てきた Ukraine’s ambassador to the US を言い換えたものです。
 この文は構文的に何かが不足しているようです。このままだと was difficult の主語が Monday になってしまいますが、Monday は「月曜日に語った」と判断するのがよさそうで、was の前に the situation などが抜けていると思われます。

She said Russia is stepping up its attacks against Ukraine’s innocent civilians and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of using a vacuum bomb against residential areas, which she added was prohibited by the Geneva Convention.

Russia is stepping up its attacks against Ukraine’s innocent civilians
 step up は「強化する、増強する」。
 innocent civilian は「罪のない民間人」。

and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of using
 文頭の She said に続くもので、accused の主語は She です。
 accuse … of ~は「…を~だと非難する」。

a vacuum bomb against residential areas

which she added was prohibited by the Geneva Convention
 先行詞を a vacuum bomb とする非制限的用法の関係代名詞です。

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters, earlier in the day, the administration can’t confirm reports of Moscow’s use of a vacuum bomb, but she said, if it is true, it would potentially be a war crime.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

earlier in the day
 earlier は、「先に述べた時よりも前に」ということで、「その日の早く」ではありません。

the administration can’t confirm reports of Moscow’s use of a vacuum bomb,

it would potentially be a war crime
 前に she said がありますので、would は時制の一致です。
 potentially は「潜在的に、可能性を秘めて」という意味の副詞です。

Talks on the invasion of Ukraine have yielded no breakthroughs, as Russian troops draw closer to Kyiv.

have yielded no breakthroughs
 yield は「生み出す」。
 breakthrough は「突破口、解決策」。

as Russian troops draw closer to Kyiv
 as は「~するなか」とか「~しているうちに」という意味合いの接続詞です。

AP correspondent Jennifer King has more.
「AP の特派員ジェニファー・キングがさらに述べます」


Pleas for peace in Ukraine dominated an emergency session at the United Nations, while hours of diplomatic talks between Ukrainian and Russian officials in Belarus ended without an agreement.

Pleas for peace in Ukraine dominated an emergency session
 plea for は「~の嘆願」。
 dominate は「~を支配する、~の中心となる」。

while hours of diplomatic talks between Ukrainian and Russian officials

ended without an agreement

Both sides said they would try again soon, as blasts were heard in Kyiv. Ukraine is seeking a ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Russian forces.

as blasts were heard in Kyiv
 blast は「爆風、爆発音」。

Ukraine is seeking a ceasefire

the complete withdrawal of Russian forces
 withdrawal は withdraw の名詞形です。

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced he has signed Ukraines application to join the European Union.

announced he has signed Ukraines application to join the European Union
 application は「申し込み」。

It’s a mostly symbolic act and normally takes years to achieve. And his country hasn’t met the required benchmarks, but it signals a desire to draw closer to European allies.

It’s a mostly symbolic act and normally takes years to achieve.
 achieve は、実際にEUの加盟国になることを指しています。

his country hasn’t met the required benchmarks
 ここでの meet は「~を満たす」という意味で、「会う」ではありません。

it signals a desire to draw closer to European allies
 allies は「同盟国」。単数形は ally です。

For their part, the 27-member EU bloc voted to provide aid and weapons to Ukraine.

the 27-member EU bloc voted to provide aid and weapons to Ukraine
 27-member というのは、現在のEU加盟国が27か国だということです。

That was AP corresponding Jennifer King reporting.

The General Assembly is meeting under what is known as a Uniting for Peace resolution.

The General Assembly

what is known as a Uniting for Peace resolution
 what は「先行詞を含む関係代名詞」です。

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This is VOA news.



