VOA の2分ニュース(22年3月21日)

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This is VOA News reporting by remote. I’m Joe Ramsey.

reporting by remote
 VOA News を後ろから修飾しています。

Ukraine is refusing Russia’s demands to surrender in the southern port city of Mariupol (in pay …) and its fate remains uncertain. The AP’s Ed Donahue reports.

Russia’s demands to surrender in the southern port city of

(in pay …)

its fate remains uncertain

Communications are crippled, and many residents in Mariupol are in hiding.

Communications are crippled
 cripple は「(手足などを)不自由にする」という他動詞で、受動態になると「不自由になる、不能になる」という意味になります。

are in hiding
 in hiding は「身を隠して、潜伏して」という意味。

“They bombed everything. We don’t have Mariupol anymore.” Dmytro Gurin is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament.

They bombed everything.
 bomb が動詞として使われています。

Mariupol officials say at least twenty-three hundred people have died. Fears grow that number could be far higher.

at least twenty-three hundred people have died

Fears grow that number could be far higher.
 この文では、grow と that のあいだに、もう1つ that が省略されています。

I’m not a lawyer to use a “haracide” (genocide) term … I mean a law term … for this situation, but it’s mass murdering.

I’m not a lawyer to use a “haracide” (genocide) term
「私は haracide つまり大量虐殺をいう用語を使うような法律家ではありません」
 haracide という単語はネットで検索しても見当たりませんが、ここでは genocide(大量虐殺)と同義で使っています。

I mean a law term

it’s mass murdering

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s message.

(Zelenskyy’s speech in Ukrainian)


I call on all Ukrainians to do everything to defend our country, everywhere we are, in order to save our nation.

I call on all Ukrainians to do everything to ~
 call on は「呼びかける、要請する」。

to defend our country

everywhere we are

in order to save our nation

Combat, fight, support and drive out these slaves, these occupiers, to make Ukraine and all of us live freely and peacefully as we like to do.

Combat, fight, support and drive out these slaves
 drive out は「追い払う、排撃する」。

these occupiers
 occupy に –er が付いた形です。

to make Ukraine and all of us live freely and peacefully
 make という使役動詞が使われています。目的語が Ukraine and all of us で、live が動詞の原形です。

as we like to do

I’m Ed Donahue.

Satellite images released on Monday show thick black smoke and heavily damaged buildings and urban areas across Ukraine.

Satellite images released on Monday show thick black smoke
 released は images を修飾する過去分詞です。

heavily damaged buildings and urban areas
 heavily damaged があとの語句を修飾しています。

across Ukraine

The images released by Maxar Technologies show damage caused by Russian attacks in the besieged southern port city of Mariupol, northwest of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and near the Russian and Belarusian borders.

The images released by Maxar Technologies show damage
 released は、上で示した後置修飾の過去分詞です。
 Maxar Technologies は精密な衛星写真[画像]を提供できるとして有名です。

damage caused by Russian attacks in the besieged southern port city
 caused by は「~で受けた損害、損傷」。
 besieged は「包囲された」。

Other images also show Russian forces on standby in Dublin, Belarus.

on standby

Ukraine said on Monday it would not obey ultimatums from Russia after Moscow demanded it stop defending Mariupol, where hundreds of thousands of civilians are suffering through Russian bombardments, laying waste to their city.

it would not obey ultimatums from Russia
 would は時制の一致で過去形になっています。
 ultimatum は「最後通告」。

after Moscow demanded it stop defending Mariupol
 it のあとに stop という動詞の原形が続いていることに注目。it の前に that という接続詞が省略されています。これは、demand という「要求、命令、要請」などを表す動詞に続く節の中だからです。こうした動詞に続く節の中では、主語や時制などにかかわらず、動詞は原形になります。「仮定法現在」という用法です。

where hundreds of thousands of civilians are suffering through Russian bombardments
 where は関係副詞です。
 hundreds of thousands of …は「何百、何千という」という意味で、数え切れないほど多いことを表す表現です。

laying waste to their city

The conflict has driven almost a quarter of Ukraine’s 44 million people from their homes. In Germany predicted, the refugee number could reach 10 million in the coming weeks.

The conflict has driven almost a quarter of Ukraine’s 44 million people from their homes.
 drive … from ~は「…を~から追い出す」という意味です。

In Germany predicted
 何かを読み間違えて、変な構文になってしまっています。In Germany をキープした場合は、In Germany, it was predicted that the refugee number ….となるはずです。あるいは、Germany を主語にするのであれば、Germany predicted the refugee number ….となるはずです。

the refugee number could reach 10 million

in the coming weeks

This is VOA News.



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