VOA の2分ニュース(22年2月21日)

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his is VOA News. Via remote, I’m Liz Palka.

Via remote「リモート放送で」

“We are not afraid of anyone.” That was what Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said to his country early Tuesday.

 Ukraine の形容詞形です。

In an address to the nation, the Ukrainian leader accused Russia of wrecking peace talks and ruled out making any territorial concessions.

In an address to the nation
 address は「演説、スピーチ」。

the Ukrainian leader accused Russia of wrecking peace talks
 the Ukrainian leader は Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy のことです。英語のニュースでは、このように同一人物をいろいろと違った言い方で表現しますから、注意しましょう。
 accuse … of ~は「~のことで…を非難する」。

ruled out making any territorial concessions
 rule out は「排除する、拒絶する」。
 make concession は「譲歩する」。
 territorial は「領土の、領土についての」。

Zelenskyy said Ukraine was committed to peace and diplomacy after Russia formally recognized two Russian-backed separatist regions as independent on Monday evening.

Ukraine was committed to peace and diplomacy
 was committed のように過去形になっていますが、これは前の said に合わせて時制の一致をしているからです。

after Russia formally recognized two Russian-backed separatist regions as independent
 recognize は「承認する、認める」。
 Russian-backed は「親ロシアの」。backed は「~の支援を受けている」。
 separatist は「分詞主義者」。

The president said Ukraine was expecting clear and effective steps from its allies to act against Russia and called for an emergency summit of the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France.

was expecting clear and effective steps from its allies
 was expecting も時制の一致です。
 steps は「措置、手続き」。
 allies は ally の複数形で「同盟国。

called for an emergency summit of the leaders of
 call for は「呼びかける、召集する、依頼する」。

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of troops to two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine after recognizing them as independent on Monday.

ordered the deployment of troops to two breakaway regions
 deployment of troops は「軍隊の派遣」。deploy が「派遣する」で、deployment はその名詞形。
 breakaway region は「分離地域」。 breakaway は「分離した」という形容詞。

AP diplomatic correspondent Matthew Lee reports the decree came after delivering a fact-bending discourse on European history.

AP diplomatic correspondent
「AP 通信の外交特派員」

the decree came after delivering a fact-bending discourse on European history
 reports と the decree came のあいだに、接続詞の that が省略されています。
 delivering は discourse にかかっています。
 decree は「布告」。つまり、プーチン大統領が2つの地域の独立を承認したことを指しています。
 fact-bending は「事実をへし曲げた」。
 discourse は「演説」。

“Basically, (it was) a recitation of grievances that he and other Russians have had for a long time. And, he did it in an extended format, before finally cutting to the chase, that what he was announcing at the very end, which is that Russia will recognize the independence of these two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk.”

Basically, (it was) a recitation of grievances that
 recitation は「演説、話」。
 grievance は「不満、苦情、腹立ち」。

he and other Russians have had for a long time

he did it in an extended format

before finally cutting to the chase
 cut to the chase は「要点を述べる」というイディオム。

that what he was announcing at the very end
 that は an extended format に続く接続詞で、同格を表しています。

in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk

That was AP’s Matthew Lee.

A Reuters witness saw unusually large columns of military moving through the breakaway city of Donetsk after President Putin told Russia’s Defense Ministry to send forces into the two regions to keep the peace.

A Reuters witness saw unusually large columns of military moving through
 witness は「目撃者」。
 column は「(軍の)隊列」。
 military は「軍」。

the breakaway city of Donetsk

after President Putin told Russia’s Defense Ministry to send forces into the two regions to keep the peace

More on voanews.com.

This is VOA news.



