VOA の2分ニュース(22年5月30日)

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ニュースソースはVOA (Voice of America)のNewscastsの2-minute newsより音声をダウンロードし、それをナラボー・プレスが英文書き起こしをしたものです。




This is VOA News. Via remote, I’m Marissa Melton.

via remote

Fierce fighting has erupted on the streets of the eastern Ukraine city of Sievierodonetsk with Kyiv’s forces trying desperately to fight off the Russian onslaught.

Fierce fighting has erupted
 fierce は「猛烈な、激しい」という意味の形容詞。
 erupt は「勃発する、巻き起こる」。

with Kyiv’s forces trying desperately to fight off
 Kyiv はウクライナの首都の名前ですが、政府があることから国名として使われます。「ウクライナの軍隊」ということです。
 desperately は「必死で、激しく」。
 fight off は「撃退する、食い止める」。

the Russian onslaught

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy characterized the situation as “indescribably difficult.”

characterized the situation as “indescribably difficult”
 characterize は character(特徴)の動詞形。
 indescribably は「表現できないほど、言い表せないほど」という意味の副詞で、describe(表現する、描写する)の反意を表す派生語です。

Speaking to VOA’s Flashpoint Ukraine program, reporter Anna Chernakova has more.

Speaking to

Just recently, the head of Luhansk regional military administration, Serhii Haidai, said that every … said the fighting is already taking place into the streets of Sievierodonetsk, and Russian forces are advancing inside the city.

Luhansk regional military administration

said that every … said the fighting is already taking place into the streets of
 that every の部分は言い間違いで、そのあと言い換えています。
 take place は「起こる」ですが、happen と違い、予定していたことが起こる場合に使います。happen は予期せぬことが起きることをいいます。
 into the streets of の into は間違った言い方です。正しくは in the streets of です。

He also mentioned that critical infrastructure has been destroyed by almost 100%, and 90% of the houses have also been damaged. Sixty percent of which are in [the] critical conditions.

critical infrastructure has been destroyed
 critical にはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「生活していくために極めて重要な」という意味。

Sixty percent of which are in [the] critical conditions.
 ここでの critical は「危機的な」という意味合い。また、文法的には critical の前の the は不要です。
 of which という関係代名詞が使われています。

That’s Anna Chernakova reporting for VOA from Ukraine. She spoke to VOA’s Flashpoint Ukraine. You can find more about the program at our website voanews.com. It is available as a podcast.

available as a podcast

Mayor Oleksandr Striuk estimated fifteen hundred civilians in Sievierodonetsk have died since the war began, from Russian attacks as well as from a lack of medicine or treatment.

estimated fifteen hundred civilians in Sievierodonetsk have died
 estimated は「推測で、だいたい」。

as well as from a lack of medicine or treatment
 as well as は「~と同様に」という意味で、以下の内容と同じようにということ。

Sievierodonetsk is the last major population center held by Ukraine in the eastern Luhansk province. It’s become the focus of Russian attacks as Moscow attempts to control their Donbas region.

the last major population center

the focus of Russian attacks

as Moscow attempts to control their Donbas region
 Moscow は何度も書いているように「ロシア政府、ロシア軍」のことです。
 attempt to は「~を試みる」。

Sievierodonetsk is about 140 kilometers from the Russian border.

And, Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to Russian forces at the Azovstalat steel plant in the city of Mariupol may face the death penalty, according to a pro-Moscow separatist official there.

who surrendered to Russian forces

may face the death penalty

according to a pro-Moscow separatist official there
 separatist は「分詞主義者」。
 official は「政府関係者」。

VOA news.



